Monday, November 9, 2015

Threads of Jades side story : Kai's Day Out

It was another peaceful morning in Yuan household

“So let me get this straight, you tried to make…Western food and this is the result?”,Feng shrugged looking at the unidentified black burnt substance on the big plate.
Yue stared at the floor, not saying a thing – clearly avoiding her husband’s eye contact
Silva was too tired after laughing like there was no tomorrow. “I-I taught her how to make French rollcake and she—“, he continued laughing until his tears came out
“STOP LAUGHING” Yue snapped
Silva laughed and escaped, leaving Feng and Yue staring at the black…food?
“Oh well-we will just go and eat outside. Father and mother aren’t in town anyway, what do you think?”
“Umm… Sure”


Ah Zhong walked around the house, he was bored. He wanted to join Feng and Yue but they told him to be a good boy and rest up at home since he hadn’t fully recovered. Maybe they want me gone because I’m a nuisance to their date, he thought to himself
He decided to search for something fun to do, like bothering Little Master Kai
Ah Zhong tiptoed to Kai’s room and slowly sled the door open, he peeked and saw Kai reading a book. He grinned and suddenly screamed, 


Ah Zhong laughed hard, leaving Kai angry. “AH ZHONG,HOW DARE YOU!”
“S-sorry,sorry.”,he entered the room and sled the door back shut. The boy then sat beside Kai and poured him a cup of tea.”What are you reading, young master?”,Ah Zhong shifted topic.
“Compilation of paintings of girls”
“For engagement, Father said”

Rich people are so strange, Ah Zhong inwardly mumbled, He is hardly a big kid yet and they are searching for is wife already. “Let me see”,Ah Zhong snatched the paintings from Kai’s hands.
“Heee,they are quite cute little girls..” Although some are older than Xiao Kai

“Father wants me to choose but how could I choose? I don’t know any of them”
“Hmmm…tell you what, Young Master. Let’s check these girls out”
“Let’s sneak out”

Kai hesitated, afraid that he would get into trouble yet he was curious too. He pondered a bit and nodded,”Okay but make sure we will not get caught!”
“As you wish”

The two boys snuck out and happily wandered around town , buying snacks, watching street performers. “Young Master Kai,look at that”, Ah Zhong pointed at a family eating in a restaurant. Judging from their attires and bodyguards, it was quite an important family. Their youngest lady was gracefully munching her steamed bun.

“Boring”,Kai grumbled. “So gentle and princesslike,no fun”
Ah, so he likes cheerful energetic girls,Ah Zhong mentally noted
“That girl is one of the noble daughters in your list, Daughter of Xia family”
“Hee… I see”

Ah Zhong then led Xiao Kai to a lot of high-end places to see if they could catch glimpses of his fiancée candidates but none triggered Kai’s interest. They were mostly doing same thing, sewing, learning to arrange flowers  painting and all those things. I guess he is too young for women, Ah Zhong concluded. “I am starving”,Kai puffed his cheeks and grumbled. “Guan Inn is nearby,want to drop by? Your Sister-in-Law once mentioned her mother cooks the best mapo tofu in the world”

 “Hmmm…Sure,why not”

They walked to Guan Inn and was greeted by Hui Zhong the moment they entered the front gate.
“Why , hello Ah Zhong and Little Master Yuan”
“Umm…I want five meat steamed buns, dessert and a bowl of mapo tofu!”,Kai smiled
“Sure, but first let me lead you to your seats”

Wait, did he even bring so much money? Oh my, I didn’t expect him to order so much,AhZhong secretly panicked. “Young Master Kai… Do you…”,he whispered,”..bring enough gold?”

“Nah. I bring nothing!”

I AM DOOMED,Ah Zhong cussed. He couldn’t go back to take more as this sneaking away was supposedly a secret. WhatdoIdowhatdoIdo

Servants brought their orders (well, Kai’s) to table and Kai started eating happily. “YUMMYYY”,Kai smiled. Ah Zhong couldn’t help but laugh at Kai’s face when he was munching so happily. “Afoonghhh”, Kai spoke while eating,”Have you ever loved somebody?”

Ah Zhong was quiet, then he smiled weakly,”Nah, I have never really loved one girl or anything but there used to be some people that I loved with all my existence. I don’t even have clear memories of it anymore but I felt that way. It felt like I’ve lost something very important”

“Brother said you used to wander around woods without any memories nor friends, do you…Miss your family?”

“I don’t even remember anything before I became Ah Zhong so I’m not sure. But one thing, I felt warm in Yuan household. I feel right at home”

“Yes,good” Ah Zhong chuckled. But I wish I could remember , it feels like I lost some very important memories…

Ah Zhong was lost in thoughts when a little girl approached him. “Umm…”,she weakly muttered.
The girl was just adorable with her puffy reddish cheeks and fair skin. Her hair was tied to a pony tail and flower ornaments made her hair look so…Neat. “Mister… Are you in a trouble?”

“W-wha… No, Young Lady” Ah Zhong chuckled
“You looked…Sad”
“I am not”,he smiled

The girl then looked at Kai and smiled,”Hello! I am the daughter of next-door florist! Mom told me to spread happiness to everyone today. Therefore, I will give you each a free flower!”
The girl handed them each a pink flower and she smiled so happily.
“May happiness come to you!”

She then ran away happily, leaving Kai and Ah Zhong speechless. Happiness,huh?

Ah Zhong smiled, feeling warm deep inside. “Young master Ka—“
Kai was just sitting there staring at the direction the girl ran off, his jaw dropping and cheeks blushing. “Umm…”,Ah Zhong tried to interrupt Kai’s “trance” but he wouldn’t budge at all. Kai’s small hands were clutching the pink flower.

Ah Zhong just smiled,
Someone is having his first love

That day, Ah Zhong was lucky enough because Hui Zhong decided to treat Xiao Kai and he didn’t have to wash plates or anything to pay. But he felt free and lighter, and he felt optimistic that happiness will come someday.
Beside him was a blushing boy ,grinning

My oh my, Ah Zhong inwardly muttered