Friday, May 29, 2015


Do ...
Re ...

Each notes complete the other notes
Making a string of beautiful melody
With stable , neat rhytm
Enchanting any ear that passes by
Forte , fortissimo, piano ...
Paces keep changing, as life keeps changing

Music is like a language made for expressing feelings
There are times when your life tumbles down
Crashes down like the sound of shattering glasses
Sometimes life beats in an uncertain tempo
Messing the whole harmony-Fast , slow ,too fast , too slow
There are times when life is so flat
You feel nothing
The pace of walking, Andante

Look around you
Simple smile of the people around you , a hot cup of creamy latte , ups and downs of everyone's life
Everything can be sources of inspiration
A beautiful piece with beautiful lyrics attached
Hear the whispers of the wind
The stable beats of flame

You are the maestro of your life
Write lyrics , combine notes and beats
Create a beautiful , unforgettable piece
Express how you feel with melodies
Take chances

Maybe the pitch gets off once in a while
and the tempo crashes down
Leaving you with nothing but despair
But stand up
Pick up your brush
And we will write a brand new song together
Come,take my hand
Off we go
We will once again walk in a slow, steady space
The pace of walking,Andante.

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