Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Letter that Will Never Be Sent

Dear Someone,

How are you? I hope your life is well

I shall not even try to call you , we both have lost the rights to call each other anyway. I was wrong for not being considerate under pressure, but so were you as your gavel slammed judgment without stopping and looking at what is truly happening. Like a nation in which citizens call government names without knowing how the government men lose their sleep at night carrying heavy burdens. It is like chained hands, either one pulls and both will get hurt. We are all spinning round and round on the axis, not understanding each other.

One day you are special and other days you are meaningless, that is life and there is no need to blame anyone. Threads of bonds have always been fragile, snapped by smallest tremor. We were both simply protecting what is important to us, and we forgot to protect each other of us. That was our mistake, one not atoned so far. If a fingernail is scarring you, clip it and not cut off the finger. But I was equally foolish for letting you cut the finger with only sorrow in my heart. Alas your flame of anger burns too bright that you can no longer see any shadows- you eventually explode. I hurt what is yours because it hurt me too many times and I need to prevent further, hiding my own wounds and cuts which are way more severe. And I hurt you in the process, causing you to aim and shoot.
We are in the end simply humans full of bullet holes, staring up to the sky

Who won? Nobody, it has never been a matter of victory and defeat. We were both pained and it is now too late to ever fade the scar. Fights are like adding oil to fire. We are too focused on hurting each other and in the end we don't even remember the first reason for arguing.

Rain falls, cooling down the surface of the earth and our heads. But it is now too late to try and change a thing. The thing about life is you don’t realize what you’ve got until it is gone. Then we started to think, we have never got any strong bond since the beginning. We were delusional. Days passed, months passed, a year passed… There is no longer “We”,right?
We who once talked and laughed together no longer exists

Sometimes, I see our picture together and thought, “Such a waste for letting what we have rot. If I had tried harder to make you understand… Then again, you averted your eyes and cover your ears. There was no room for understanding. We were both equally foolish”. I smile and delete the file of our picture, mentally flashing back the happy times we spent together.
Wouldn’t it be nice, if someday we could stare at the blue sky and laughed at how foolish we were before?

With Love,
Someone you used to know

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