Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Same Sick Bastards

Have you ever woken up feeling crappy as ever?
You feel hungover despite not drinking at all last night
You just want to go back to sleep and keep doing so till your shitty days have passed.
We all have those days.
I don't feel like working today, and I'm already very late anyway.
I will just text my colleague saying I'm sick or something
My eyes wander to the white ceiling as I sigh , life is so boring sometimes
So empty...
My brain races back,replaying some sequences.

Sounds lame enough, but a smile fills my mind
The smile I'd die for, I'd trade everything just for that cute smile
Hey, you -yeah you
The one who filled my nights with cute texts and emojis
Remember our awkward first introductions?
I subconsciously chuckle whenever I do
No memories of how I came to like you surface,
It feels as if it has always been that way. Strange,eh?
One second you're nobody and next second you're somebody.
Are human hearts wired to be so random?

Remember our texts till late nights?
Our silly little flirts and talks about future.
Remember that trip together? We saw lots of love locks scattered around.
Remember us playing at parks together, laughing too loud?
Remember us making promises, that are never kept?
Remember our silly competitions over every little small things?
Those silly things filled our days ,and all I had in mind was you.
Your entire entity filled all my brain space,
Consuming me entirely. Drop the past tense, you still do even now.

Maybe I was the one being shameless,
I was sure we had something. How could I not,
With you being so special? I guess I wanted it to happen real bad.
Maybe you actually like me ,maybe you don't.
I myself never intended to tell you I like you.
I still haven't and will never.
In the end all you said was
"Let's always be friends alright?"
No chains , no links , no boundaries , no commitments.
Yes-we are free as birds

Sick bastard-you are always like that,
You have already clipped one of my wings.
You took away a part of me I can never get back.
And the saddest thing of all...
I did not regret it.

Alas, I understand that now it is not you that I miss.
It's the butterflies , the excitement.
Now that I think of it, we are both the same.
Both having feelings but refuse to commit.
We are the same cruel bastards,I chuckle.

I guess time to start over again
With our new grown wings
Once again,searching for something in life...
Carrying past scars.
Searching for something that will one day make us commit by choice.
Now let us both be stuck-up depressed humans for a day
Tomorrow will be a brand new start.
Let me depress my fill for an hour
And lie around doing nothing for today.
I promise tomorrow I'll be back

A/N : Heyaaa so this time the post is inspired by Big Bang's new song Let's Not Fall In Love mixed with some of my imaginary scenes. I don't really understand Korean but the song and MV wrecked my feels. Please enjoy this post and support the original artist (Haven't heard?Go watch the MV!)

Enjoy this post and have a nice day!


  1. This strikes me.. I know something.. It must be it..!! haha

  2. This strikes me.. I know something.. It must be it..!! haha
